Orenstein, Ronald

Since this book was first published a decade ago, turtle, tortoise and terrapin species have continued to suffer from human intervention. Sought for food, as pets and for tortoiseshell they are under attack on land and sea and populations are in decline around the world due to loss of habitat and food sources. At the same time, however, humans have been working hard to ensure the survival of turtles, tortoises and terrapins. Understanding these species is not only interesting but critical to their future. Turtles, tortoises and terrapins have been on Earth since the Triassic Period, approximately 200 million years ago. It has long been unclear from which group of reptiles turtles sprang. Although the earliest fossils are clearly turtles, their anatomy changed dramatically over time. In addition, turtle species vary greatly in such basic characteristics as anatomy and habitat preferences.

Turtles, Tortoises and Terrapins surveys turtle anatomy, their habitat and life cycles throughout the ages, bringing the knowledge up to date with recent discoveries and research. The battle to save turtles goes on, and this book provides an important voice in turtle ecology. It is the perfect resource for anyone interested in these amazing and diverse reptiles.

This second edition has 150 more pages than the first edition.

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Firefly Books, December 2012.   448 pages, hardcover, 300+ colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps