Das, Indraneil.

This pocket guide describes and illustrates all amphibians and reptiles that are likely to be seen in Negara Brunei Darussalam. The purpose of this book is to aid quick identification of adult amphibians (the larval stages have been omitted because of insufficient information) and reptiles. At present, 61 frogs and toads, one caecilian, 35 lizards, 72 snakes, three crocodiles and 10 turtles and tortoises are known from Brunei Darussalam. This guide lists a total of 160 of the 182 species of the amphibian and reptiles species recorded from the Sultanate of Negara Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. For every species, a suggested English name, current scientific name and the maximum size attained is provided. The species account contains a brief description, including distinguishing characters and dimorphism, natural history notes and distribution.

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Natural History Publications, January 2007.  200 pages, colour photographs, paperback, colour photographs.

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Weight 300 g