Jolly, Chris; Brendan Schembri; Stewart Macdonald

A land of extremes, the Northern Territory’s arid deserts and monsoonal forests harbour some of Australia’s smallest and the world’s largest reptiles, as well as some of the world’s most venomous snakes.

Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory is the first regional guide to the crocodiles, turtles, lizards and snakes of this megadiverse region. It presents introductions to order, family and genus; keys to family, genus and species; and species profiles, including descriptions, photos, distribution maps and notes on natural history. It features profiles for the 390 species that occur or may occur on the land and in the sea of the Northern Territory.

Extensively illustrated, this is an essential resource for wildlife enthusiasts and professional and amateur herpetologists.

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CSIRO Publishing, June 2023.  424 pages, paperback, colour photographs, illustrations, maps