Divyabhanusinh, A.

NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME.  Lions once roamed the Asian continent from Palestine to Palamau. But now, all that remains of the lion population outside Africa, are small number of animals found in the Gir forest in the Gujarat province of India. Fully revised and updated, this book is a groundbreaking volume that offers an informative and engaging examination of the history of the Asiatic lion – from the earliest historical records right up to the present day, as well as looking at the profound effect the species has had on human civilization and culture in the region. It also includes a discussion on the disappearance of the lions, and current efforts to establish a second home for the species in which it can once again flourish.

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Marg Publications, 2009.    267 pages, hardcover, dust jacket, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations, colour maps, tables

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Weight 1429 g