Eichhorst, Thomas E

Nerites inhabit marine, brackish, freshwater, and arboreal environments worldwide in tropical to temperate climes. Neritidae of the World is a two-volume set of books that provides an in-depth examination of the almost 300 nerite species in the family Neritidae and a somewhat less exhaustive, but still extensive, look at species in six closely related families as well as a number of fossil species. Each recent nerite species is described in depth and illustrated with one (sometimes two or three) full page colour plates that show details of the shell and operculum as well as structural and colour/pattern variations.

Volume two covers covers the following genera of Neritidae: NeritinaNeritodryasNeritonaPuperitaSeptariaSmaragdiaTheodoxusVitta, and Vittina. Also in volume two are the six related families, i.e.Helicinidae, Hydrocenidae, Neritiliidae, Neritopsidae, Phenacolepadidae, and Titiscaniidae. The volume also contains several appendices, including: valid Neritidae species, index of Neritidae species (for both volumes), glossary, bibliography, and errata. A number of new species are named and there are many species illustrated on colour plates for the first time. Nerites are routinely misidentified by both dealers and collectors. This volume can help correct that situation. New taxa: Neritina janetabbasae n. sp., Neritodryas javanica n. sp., Septaria tahitiana n. sp., Smaragdia patburkeae n. sp., Theodoxus octagonus n. sp., and Vitta consobrina n. sp.

Volume 1, see stock ID 20360


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ConchBooks, December 2016.  672 pages, hardcover, 170 plates with colour photos; colour & b/w photos, b/w distribution maps