New Holland Publishers, August 2015. 167 pages, paperback, waterproof PVC cover, colour photographs.
Sankowsky, Garry.
Australia is home to many beautiful butterflies, including eye-catching species such as White Nymph, Common Jezabel, Ulysses Butterfly and the gigantic Cairns Birdwing. Early chapters explore the butterfly lifecycle, showing the progression from egg through caterpillar and chrysalis stages to winged adult. lt also covers subjects such as defence mechanisms (camouflage and mimicry), feeding and introduced species.
There are many identification spreads on key species and families of Australian butterflies, including useful ‘quick comparison’ guides to similar species, such as those in the Brown and Blue families. Closing sections look at distinguishing a butterfly from a moth, key habitats, threats and conservation, and also offer tips on planting your backyard for butterflies.
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New Holland Publishers, August 2015. 167 pages, paperback, waterproof PVC cover, colour photographs.