Fuge, Lauren

A journey through history and across the planet, Voyagers shows how exploration has led humanity to the brink of destruction-and how it might help us face the challenges of the future.

From the beginning, we have been wanderers. Our explorations have rewarded us with land, resources, food and knowledge, but have also pushed planetary systems to breaking point—and still we seek new seas to fish, oil deposits to drill, forests to fell.

Award-winning science writer Lauren Fuge journeys from the fjords of the Pacific Northwest to the geology of outback Australia to the edges of the known universe, and asks: what drives our urge to explore? Can we find in our voyaging history the tools to reimagine our future?

Voyagers is an electrifying adventure, a compelling personal narrative, a hymn to the Earth—and a call to action.

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Text Publishing, July 2024.  304 pages, paperback.