University of California Press, November 2007. 861 pages, paperback, 330 black and white illustrations, 28 tables
Weishampel, David B. et al, editors.
When the The Dinosauria was first published more than a decade ago, it was hailed as “the best scholarly reference work available on dinosaurs” and “an historically unparalleled compendium of information”. This second, fully revised edition continues in the same vein as the first but encompasses the recent spectacular discoveries that have continued to revolutionize the field. A state-of-the-science view of current world research, The Dinosauria includes comprehensive coverage of dinosaur systematics, reproduction, and life history strategies, biogeography, taphonomy, paleoecology, thermoregulation, and extinction. Its internationally renowned authors – forty-four specialists on the various members of the Dinosauria – contribute definitive descriptions and illustrations of these magnificent Mesozoic beasts.
The first section of The Dinosauria begins with the origin of the great clade of these fascinating reptiles, followed by separate coverage of each major dinosaur taxon, including the Mesozoic radiation of birds. The second part of The Dinosauria navigates through broad areas of interest. Here we find comprehensive documentation of dinosaur distribution through time and space, discussion of the interface between geology and biology, and the paleoecological inferences that can be made through this link. This new edition will be the benchmark reference for everyone who needs authoritative information on dinosaurs.
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University of California Press, November 2007. 861 pages, paperback, 330 black and white illustrations, 28 tables
Weight | 2770 g |