Coyne, Jerry A.

For all the discussion in the media about creationism and ‘Intelligent Design’, virtually nothing has been said about the evidence in question – the evidence for evolution by natural selection.

Yet, as this succinct and important book shows, that evidence is vast, varied, and magnificent, and drawn from many disparate fields of science. The very latest research is uncovering a stream of evidence revealing evolution in action – from the actual observation of a species splitting into two, to new fossil discoveries, to the deciphering of the evidence stored in our genome. Why Evolution is True weaves together the many threads of modern work in genetics, palaeontology, geology, molecular biology, anatomy, and development to demonstrate the ‘indelible stamp’ of the processes first proposed by Darwin. It is a crisp, lucid, and accessible statement that will leave no one with an open mind in any doubt about the truth of evolution.

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Oxford University Press, January 2010.  309 pages, paperback, line drawings.

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