Halkett, John

Alarmists and deniers rarely go head to head in the climate change debate.
They preach instead to sympathetic audiences whose minds are made up.

This book, however, is designed to address open-minded readers and explain in lay terms how greenhouse gases are overwhelming the Earth’s ancient balance. It points out severe consequences for the human species, even if politically palatable targets are met. It emphasises the role of trees, past, present and future, and asks how and whether Homo sapiens will cope as our habitat is gradually smothered in carbon. Each aspect of the interwoven issues is simply explained in its own chapter, amidst an overall treatment which makes the true position crystal clear.

About the Author:  John Halkett is the author of numerous scientific papers and six previous books, He plays a leading role in developing industries using trees in carbon control, including a power station in the Hunter Valley fuelled by firewood and waste. He runs a forest consultancy business and has expertise in temperate and tropical forest management and forest-based industries. He has held senior positions in government forest and conservation agencies in Australia and New Zealand. He has worked in the USA, China, Canada, Chile, PNG, Myanmar, and Africa. He is Chairman of Australian timber and energy company Sweetman Renewables and serves on Australian and international boards and committees.

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Halstead Press, November 2021.  176 pages, paperback.