Ladle, Richard J. and Robert J. Whittaker, editors.

This book provides an authoritative and concise overview of the key themes and emerging concepts in conservation biogeography. It serves as an introduction to the subject and a strong framework for more advanced undergraduate or Masters level courses. Each of the ten chapters establishes the state of knowledge, the key questions, major uncertainties and research needs. The book opens with a short section examining the origins and philosophical roots of conservation biogeography and then move on to addressing the challenges and practical applications of mapping biodiversity at different spatial scales in a rapidly changing world. The varying design principles of networks of protected areas, and major approaches adopted hitherto in this endeavour, and the implications of habitat loss, fragmentation and alteration, plus issues associated with biological invasions form much of the core material of the volume. The book concludes with a critical assessment of the scale of the future conservation challenge and research needs and directions.

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John Wiley and Sons, February 2011.  301 pages, Octavo, paperback, colour and black and white photographs, other illustrations, maps.

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Weight 820 g