Waser, Nickolas M. and Jeff Ollerton, editors.

Just as flowering plants depend on their pollinators, many birds, insects, and bats rely on plants for energy and nutrients.  This plant-pollinator relationship is essential to the survival of natural and agricultural ecosystems.  This book portrays the intimate relationships of pollination over time and space and reveals patterns of interactions from individual to community levels, showing how these patterns change at different spatial and temporal scales. The editors bring together experts from around the world to offer a comprehensive analysis of pollination, including the history of thinking about specialization and generalization and a comparison of pollination to other mutualisms.  An overview of current thinking and of future research priorities, this book covers an important theme in evolutionary ecology with far-reaching applications in conservation and agriculture.

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University of Chicago Press, December 2005.  488 pages, paperback,66 line drawings, 13 tables

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Weight 630 g