Berger-Tal, Oded, David Saltz (Editors)

Conservation behaviour assists the investigation of species endangerment associated with managing animals impacted by anthropogenic activities. It employs a theoretical framework that examines the mechanisms, development, function and phylogeny of behaviour variation in order to develop practical tools for preventing biodiversity loss and extinction. Developed from a symposium held at the International Congress on Conservation Biology in 2011, this is the first book to offer an in-depth, logical framework that identifies three vital areas for understanding conservation behaviour: anthropogenic threats to wildlife, conservation and management protocols, and indicators of anthropogenic threats. Bridging the gap between behavioural ecology and conservation biology, Conservation Behavior ascertains key links between the fields, explores the theoretical foundations of these linkages, and connects them to practical wildlife management tools and concise applicable advice. Adopting a simplistic, structured approach throughout, Conservation Behavior is a vital resource for graduate students, academic researchers and wildlife managers.

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Cambridge University Press, May 2016.   382 pages, paperback, 31 black and white illustrations, 3 tables