Kandelaars, Deb, Ron Kandelaars

OUT OF PRINT AND NOT AVAILABLE.  Victor Harbor: Down beside the sea is the fascinating story of how Victor Harbor came to be, told by the people who live and work in this breathtakingly beautiful coastal locale. Whether you reconnect with Victor Harbor in your armchair or decide to travel from afar to discover the place for yourself, you’ll find there’s plenty going on ‘down beside the sea’.

You’ll meet a host of remarkable people, from the Ramindjeri with their deep spiritual and cultural connection to the land and sea, to the European settlers and the profound change they brought about. Essential to Victor’s story are the rough and ready whalers and fishers who once braved the seas of the rugged South Coast.

So, too, those involved in community organisations, tourism, agriculture, conservation, business, sport and the arts – trailblazers and local legends pivotal to the social fabric of the town.  It’s a view imprinted on the retina of most South Australians – that majestic vista as you drive into Victor Harbor taking in the town, Granite Island and The Bluff.

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Wakefield Press, October 2019.  304 pages, hardcover, colour photographs throughout.