Greenhill, Sean; Melanie Greenhill

OUT OF PRINT.  REPRINT UNDER CONSIDERATION.   With over 900 reserves under National Parks and Wildlife Service management and uncounted tracks, trails and reserves under local management, New South Wales presents a world of diverse and intriguing walking opportunities.  This book aims to capture the diversity of the walks on offer, including walks of cultural significance, walks that showcase the diversity of landscapes, vegetation, wildlife and birdlife.

The authors have included walks with some history, culture or further interest points attached and provided some insight into these aspects of the walk. Too often we have finished a walk only to realise we have missed an important aspect of what the location had to offer.The focus is on walks of 2-3 hours in duration. Keep in mind some walks may take longer if you stop to swim, gaze at whales, bird watch, read information boards or just picnic at a good vantage spot along the way – all of which is highly recommended.

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New Holland Publishers, November 2022.  368 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout