Franks, Alan, Stacey Franks

OUT OF PRINT.  Much of Australia’s wildlife will not survive without hollows for nesting.  The complete practical guide with extensive plans, this book is ideal for your garden!  With some basic carpentry skills you can build a nest box, and be rewarded by the pleasure of watching the activities of the wildlife that take up residence. Nest boxes are a great idea since they: attract wildlife back into gardens thereby introducing breeding and other enriching activities into our daily lives; may assist populations of endangered species; make an unusual gift for a nature loving friend; provide pleasure for nursing home residents; provide excellent school projects, especially for woodwork classes.  Stacey and Alan Franks have spent years researching the needs and habits of hollow-dependent fauna.  The practical advice they give is based on personal observation and experience, as well as information they have gathered from other wildlife experts.

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Bloomings Books, 2003, (Reprinted 2006).  72 pages, Octavo, paperback, colour photographs, text illustrations.

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Weight 190 g