Kenneally, Kevin F

The tropical rainforests of the Kimberley are among Australia’s most biodiverse eco-systems — and, in many ways, its least understood.

Kimberley rainforests are rich in species not found elsewhere in the region, have links to South-East Asia, and hold cultural significance for Indigenous peoples. They also face many environmental threats, from feral plants and animals to wildfires and climate change.

The long-term viability of these unique ecosystems — and the species they support — requires effective management and conservation at the landscape scale. Under-standing what species exist, where they are found, and what they need to survive is essential.

This book reviews what we do and don’t know about Kimberley rainforests and why we need to acknowledge their value, not only to the biodiversity of northern Australia but also in terms of their traditional use and cultural significance to Indigenous peoples.

‘A valuable resource for everyone who lives, works or travels in the Kimberley, pulling together all of the available knowledge of rainforest into one place.’ — Catherine Goonack, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation

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UWA Publishing, November 2023.   184 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout