Cherriman, Simon

Featuring over 550 colour photographs, Hollowed Out? will open your eyes to a wide world of wood and wildlife, and provide a wealth of information on how to build, install, monitor and maintain durable, pest-resistant nest-boxes that cater for a suite of backyard wildlife. While the 9 nest-box designs profiled have been extremely successful to cater for hollow-dependent fauna in south-west WA, they are easily adapted to other parts of Australia where ecologically equivalent species occur.  Indeed, the habitat loss issues outlined are not unique to WA as similar threats face wildlife throughout Australia. This book is a much needed addition to the library of any person interested in conservation of our native species.

This book is the culmination of more than two decades of study and photography of both natural and artificial tree-hollows, and the wild animals of Noongar Country (south-western Australia) that depend on them. It contains several interwoven stories: the nature of the region’s remarkable trees, the unique wildlife they support, and the drastic changes wrought by Europeans on Australia’s only ‘Biodiversity Hotspot’ in the past two centuries. But its nest-box narrative provides optimism for the future.

About the Author 
Simon Cherriman, is a naturalist, ornithologist, photographer, filmmaker, science communicator and passionate public speaker.  He has spent many of his 38 years climbing trees and studying wildlife at great heights.  Part of this life-long passion has seen him in search of breeding birds and other animals, observing and noting the details of their preferred nest hollows and roosts, resulting in this book.  Hollowed Out? provides actual facts, not myths, at a time when more and more people are realising the critical importance of habitat sustainability.

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Insight Ornithology, April 2022. 304 pages, paperback, more than 550 colour photographs