Whitaker, Richard

Fully updated and revised, this is one of the most critical books for Australia by expert meteorologist of 30 years Richard Whitaker.  Firewise, Fire-safe tells you to how to protect yourself and your home from a bushfire.  Bushfires are our most dangerous natural disaster, producing on average the highest number of deaths and injuries in Australia.  This book helps you prepare for a bushfire and advises on what to do when a fire threatens you and your home.

There is preparation information for when the fire approaches, when the fire arrives and after the fire.  First aid is approved by St John Ambulance and there is a list of emergency contacts.

Also included in information on:

  • Firefighting equipment needed
  • Designing a fire-resistant home
  • How fire behaves and the three killers, heath, dehydration, inhalation of smoke. What to pack should a fire be looming and to fight or flight.
  • How the bush fire spreads
  • The effect of drought on bushfires
  • Wind changes and protecting your home from burning embers
  • Preparing your land or livestock if on land.
  • Evacuation golden rules
  • And after a fire, cleaning up and  assistance and securing your property

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New Holland Publishers, November 2020.  96 pages, paperback