Marsh, Nigel, Andy Murch

Many people can think of nothing worse than encountering a shark, but each year more and more divers are heading underwater for exciting encounters with these magnificent and misunderstood predators. Shark diving is booming and today it is big business, with divers spending thousands of dollars on vacations to see these impressive creatures of the deep. Divers travel around the world to view Great Whites, Tiger Sharks, hammerheads, Whale Sharks and many other species at shark diving hot-spots as diverse as Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Fiji, Cornwall and the Bahamas.

Diving with Sharks is a complete guide for divers wanting to see sharks or for anyone interested in these incredible creatures. The book takes a detailed look at shark biology and behaviour, and features all the popular, and many lesser known, shark species that divers can encounter. Shark diving hot-spots; from around the world are also featured. The book also provides advice to help divers get the best from their shark diving experiences.

In short, Diving with Sharks is the ultimate guide for learning more about these incredible creatures of the deep and also where to see them, up close and personal.

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New Holland Publishers, December 2017.  208 pages, hardback, 200 colour photos