Environs Kimberley Incorporated, 35 pages, paperback booklet, colour photographs throughout
Moss, Ayesha; Louise Beames; Phil Docherty (Editors)
This guide provides advice and tips for collecting, storing and propagating seed of 41 plants that occur in the west Kimberley and beyond. It includes Aboriginal language names for plants where known alongside scientific names.
Sustainable harvest guidelines ensure collections follow legal and cultural protocols, as well as care for the bush. They are also to help people pick viable seed and get the best propagation results possible, The guidelines have been developed as part of the Environs Kimberley ‘Enriching Kimberley Native Food Producers and Enhancing Ecosystems Project’, funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
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Environs Kimberley Incorporated, 35 pages, paperback booklet, colour photographs throughout