Morphett, Bruce

This book is about achieving practical results – and growing luscious fruit to enjoy!  Everyone loves fruit, especially when it’s juicy, full of flavour and fresh from your garden. However, many people don’t know that pruning is critical to establishing and maintaining your trees and vines to get the best from them.  This beautifully illustrated book will show you how to maintain good fruit size, obtain quality, quantity, training, and generally when, what and how to do it!  It covers a range of backyard fruits including stone fruits, evergreens, pome and vine fruits – cherry, apple, kiwifruit, fig, pear, plum, almond and more.   First published in 1993, this revised edition of this hugely popular book is back and looking better than ever.

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Bloomings Books, 2011.  72 pages, paperback, colour illustrations.