The Friends of the Escarpment Parks Toowoomba Inc, 2024. 125 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout, five park maps
Condamine Country Plant Group
Toowoomba is Queensland’s largest inland city and logging and clearing of the original vegetation has occurred since European settlement in the 1840’s. Today there are only a few patches of bushland remaining and various groups including the Council work to control weeds and regenerate local native species. This book includes most of the plants commonly found in the southeastern Toowoomba bushland parks and for easy reference it is divided into the following sections – Gum Trees, Other Trees, Shrubs, Climbers, Ferns, Grasses, Other, Environmental Weed Species and an Index of Botanical Names.
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The Friends of the Escarpment Parks Toowoomba Inc, 2024. 125 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout, five park maps