Aquatic Photographics, 2017. Octavo, paperback, colour photographs.
Kuiter, Rudie H
The terrestrial orchids of Victoria are reputed to attract pollinators by deception and the highly specialised strategies used were well covered in Orchid Pollinators of Victoria, 4th edition. The nectar-rewarding orchid pollinators received only basic treatment and are elaborated on in this companion volume. Initial observations indicated different aspects to orchid-insect relationships and this deserved more attention. Orchids that have food-rewards attract a greater variety of visitors, but these include non-pollinating or pollinia-robbing insects. To compensate for losses a large number of flowers are needed on the same plant, but these are often cross-pollinated and geitonogamy is common. The various strategies have evolved from adapting to environmental changes to sustain populations, each of which producing ample viable seeds for eventually some to become adult plants. Nectariferous orchids may be the least specialised of the Victorian taxa, readily adapting to changes that occur at a natural rate, but they are far from being safe. Habitats in the few areas left since colonisation are changing too quickly, and deteriorating at an alarming rate. Destruction of ecosystems continues, critically reducing the suitable orchid habitats by clearing and logging. This is accelerated by prescribed burning and many of the endangered species are driven to extinction.
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Aquatic Photographics, 2017. Octavo, paperback, colour photographs.