Bloomings Books, February 2023. 334 pages, paperback, colour photographs, illustrations, maps throughout.
Nicolle, Dean
The eucalypts are a group of approximately 850 species of trees and shrubs and represent one of the world’s most important commercial groups of forest trees. They dominate most terrestrial landscapes in south-eastern Australia, whether they are natural, agricultural or urban.
This book is a comprehensive treatment of every eucalypt species and subspecies occuring in the two states of south-eastern Australia (145 eucalypts in total). The book also contains a wealth of information regarding their identification, distribution ecology and uses.
Designed and written for those with no botanical training as well as the professional, this book is a valuable resource for all those interested in appreciating, identifying and growing the unique native eucalypts of south-eastern Australia.
About the Author: Dean Nicolle OAM has been interested in Australian native plants since childhood and by the age of 16 was devoted to seeing in the wild, and attempting to grow, every known species of eucalypt! Dean established and maintains Currency Creek Arboretum in South Australia which is a specialist research arboretum growing over 800 species of eucalypts. He is also the author of a number of reference books on eucalypts.
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Bloomings Books, February 2023. 334 pages, paperback, colour photographs, illustrations, maps throughout.