Nicolle, Dean

OUT OF PRINT.  Native Eucalypts of South Australia treats every native eucalypt species and subspecies that is currently known in the State (103 in total). The book provides a wealth of information regarding the identification, distribution, ecology and uses of each eucalypt included. For each of the 103 eucalypts, a double-page provides the following information:

  • Images of the habit, bark, buds, flowers and fruits
  • Seedling painting by Ian Roberts
  • Detailed map of its distribution in South Australia
  • Meaning and origin of the name
  • Original naming and type information
  • Characteristic features
  • Distribution and habitat
  • Cultivation and uses
  • Notes on interesting populations and trees
  • Detailed botanical description

Designed and written for those with no botanical training, but also catering for the professional, this book will be valuable for all those interested in appreciating, identifying and growing South Australia’s native eucalypts.

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Author, May 2013. 238 pages, paperback, ~ 900 colour  illustrations, maps.

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Weight 800 g