Wait, Russell; Huf, Christine, Powers, Cathy; West, Jenny

Eremophila is a genus of Australian plants with more than 300 species, subspecies and hybrids.  Many are stunningly beautiful but have not been readily available to gardeners until recently.  This book, nine years in the making, is a comprehensive guide to the current Eremophila in cultivation and includes one related genus.

Russell Wait has travelled extensively throughout Australia observing them in their natural habitat and grows almost almost all species in his own garden in Victoria.

Each described species, subspecies, hybrid and undescribed species included in this publication has a brief description, a map of the natural occurrence and experiences with cultivation and propagation.

A quick reference guide in table format is provided in the book.




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Author, August 2021.  486 pages, hardcover, colour photographs throughout, maps.  Weight 1.9 kg.