New Holland, December 2015. 128 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout
Krisch, Peter
This title investigates the ever-popular subject of Australia’s trees and shrubs, celebrating the beauty, great diversity and unique evolution of the country’s forests.
The structure of this book is similar to that of other titles in the series.
– Fact panels cover interesting aspects of the subject.
– Questions answered include: ‘what is the difference between a tree and a shrub?’, ‘what age can Australian trees reach?’, ‘how tall do trees grow in Australia?’ and ‘how many species of trees and shrubs exist in Australia?’ to name just a few.
– Other sections look at how trees reproduce and how they evolved.
– Identification spreads cover all the key species and families which occur across Australia, including many species of conifers, eucalypts and wattles/acacias.
There are sections on how to identify bottlebrushes, banksias, casuarinas, grevilleas, figs, laurels and many others, including many of the trees and shrubs found in Australia’s species-rich rainforests. The many beautiful images are taken from the author’s own collection which has been built up over many decades.
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New Holland, December 2015. 128 pages, paperback, colour photographs throughout