Keith, David A. (Editor), Richard A Groves (Foreword By)

Australian Vegetation has been an essential reference for students and researchers in botany, ecology and natural resource management for over twenty years. Fully updated and with a new team of authors, the third edition presents the latest insights on the patterns and processes that shaped the vegetation of Australia.  The first part of Australian Vegetation provides a synthesis of ecological processes that influence vegetation traits throughout the continent, using a new classification of vegetation formations. New chapters examine the influences of climate, soils, fire regimes, herbivores and aboriginal people on vegetation, in addition to completely revised chapters on evolutionary biogeography, quaternary vegetation history and alien plants.  The book’s second half presents detailed ecological portraits for each major vegetation type and offers data-rich perspectives and comparative analysis presented in tables, graphs, maps and colour illustrations.  This authoritative book will inspire readers to learn and explore first-hand the vegetation of Australia.

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Cambridge University Press, June 2017.  779 pages, hardcover,  32 plates with 113 colour photos and illustrations; 86 b/w photos and b/w illustrations, 31 b/w maps, 49 tables