Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, June 2021. 87 pages, paperback, spirally bound, 76 drawings. Part 3 of five parts published.
Seppelt, R D, Jarman, S J, Cave, L H
Part 3 of An Illustrated Catalogue of Tasmanian Mosses continues on from Parts 1 and 2 with a further 76 drawings of Tasmanian moss species.
Moss families represented are Archidiaceae, Bruchiaceae, Climaciaceae, Dicranaceae, Ditrichaceae, Funariaceae, Leucobryaceae, Orthodontiaceae and Seligeriaceae.
As with Part 2, the drawings comprise the sole focus of the publication. Altogether, Parts 1-3 include over 170 taxa, and represent almost one-half of Tasmania’s recorded moss flora
Part three of five parts currently published and all available
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Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, June 2021. 87 pages, paperback, spirally bound, 76 drawings. Part 3 of five parts published.