Liguori, Jerry.

Covers North America only. For all birders who follow hawk migration and have found themselves wondering if the raptor in the sky matches the one in the guide, Hawks from every angle – distilling an expert’s years of experience for the first time into a comprehensive array of truly useful photos and other pointers for each species – is quite simply a must. Key Features: Presents essential new approach to identifying hawks in flight. It contains innovative, accurate, and field-tested identification traits for each species 339 color photos on 68 color plates, 32 black & white photos. This book compares and contrasts species easily confused with one another, and provides the pictures (and words) needed for identification in the field. It covers in detail 19 species common to migration sites throughout the North America and discusses light conditions, how molt can alter the shape of a bird, aberrant plumages, and migration seasons and sites in user-friendly format.

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Princeton University Press, September 2005.  144 pages,  paperback, colour photographs, other illustrations, maps.


Additional information

Weight 480 g