Barry, Peter

This entertaining and informative guide explains the meanings of bird names, many of which have fascinating origins and stories behind them. The universal system of ‘scientific’ names, based largely on Greek and Latin, is used in all good bird books and assists birdwatchers around the world in figuring out exactly what they are looking at. While some of the names are fairly self-explanatory – such as Troglodytes for wren, meaning ‘cave-dweller’ – others are more mysterious – Caprimulgus for nightjar, for example, meaning ‘goat-sucker’.   Covering hundreds of bird species from around the world, Birds: What’s In A Name? includes explanations of hundreds of scientific names and common names, as well as delivering a wealth of other facts and trivia relating to the species concerned. In short, it’s the most readable and entertaining book on the subject available anywhere.

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New Holland, 2017.  210 pages, hard cover, dust jacket, 100 colour photos, 30 colour illustrations