Sterry, Paul and Paul Stancliffe.

Collins, in collaboration with the British Trust for Ornithology, present the most authoritative and up-to-date information in this new field guide to the common birds of Britain and Ireland. This unique new identification guide features all of the birds that have occurred five or more times in Britain and Ireland, including all species that breed regularly in the region, plus those that winter here, or occur as common passage migrants. The book has been written and illustrated as much with the beginner in mind as the experienced birdwatcher. Text and photographs describe and illustrate the key features needed to identify a species with confidence, and to separate it from similar, or ‘confusion’, species. As a general rule, the species accounts follow the taxonomic running order provided by the British Ornithologist’s Union (BOU). But for the benefit of the reader, in some instances the running order has been juggled subtly so that potentially confusing species are placed side by side. More than 1,200 photographs are featured and many are seen here for the first time. They have been chosen carefully to show not only important identification features but also to give clues to the usual habitat favoured by the bird, and its typical posture.

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HarperCollins – GB, April 2015.  320 pages, Octavo, paperback, colour photographs, maps.

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Weight 560 g