Oxford University Press, August 2016. 304 pages, paperback, 8 plates with 15 colour photos and colour illustrations; black and white photos, black and white illustrations, tables
Deeming, D Charles; S James \\\"Jim\\\" Reynolds (Editors), Tim R Birkhead (Foreword By)
Nests, Eggs, and Incubation brings together a global team of leading authorities to provide a comprehensive overview of the fascinating and diverse field of avian incubation. Starting with a new assessment of the evolution of avian reproductive biology in light of recent research, Nests, Eggs, and Incubation goes on to cover four broad areas: the nest, the egg, incubation, and the study of avian reproduction. New research on nest structures, egg traits, and life history is incorporated, whilst contemporary methodologies such as self-contained temperature probes and citizen science are also discussed. Applied chapters describe how biological knowledge can be applied to challenges such as conservation and climate change. Nests, Eggs, and Incubation concludes by suggesting priorities for future research.
Nests, Eggs, and Incubation builds upon the foundations laid down by Charles Deeming’s 2001 work Avian Incubation, much of which remains relevant today. Read in conjunction with this previous volume, it provides an up to date and thorough review of egg biology, nest function, and incubation behaviour, which will be an essential resource for students of avian biology as well as professional and field ornithologists.
Oxford University Press, August 2016. 304 pages, paperback, 8 plates with 15 colour photos and colour illustrations; black and white photos, black and white illustrations, tables