CSIRO Publishing, May 2021. 192 pages, hardcover, colour photographs, illustrations.
Ballentine, Barbara, Jeremy Hyman
Bird Talk delves into new scientific developments to reveal the complexities of how birds make, learn, and use sound in a bewildering array of songs and calls. The beauty of birdsong is one of the joys of nature, and this book reveals how songs are learned and performed, why the quality of a male’s repertoire can affect his mating success, and how birds use song-matching and countersinging in territorial disputes.
Bird Talk illustrates how birds communicate through visual signals too, from the dazzling feathers of a Peacock to the jumping displays that a Jackson’s Widowbird performs to show off his long tail. Plumage features such as the red bill shield of a Pukeko can indicate dominance, and aggressive wing-waving is used to ward off impostors.
Bird Talk will help you understand how birds communicate in a range of situations, whether in harmony or in conflict, providing essential new insight into avian intelligence.
CSIRO Publishing, May 2021. 192 pages, hardcover, colour photographs, illustrations.